Complaints process
We strive to provide you with the highest level of service at all times. If this has not been the case, or if we have not handled something to your satisfaction, please tell us.
How can you raise a complaint?
1300 042 766
Harmoney Complaints GPO Box 7004, Sydney NSW 2001
What will we do?
We will try to fix the problem straight away. If we cannot fix the problem straight away we will try to fix it in 5 business days. We will tell you if we need more time. We ask that you provide us with as much information as possible to help resolve your complaint quickly.
If your matter relates to hardship, a default notice or collections enforcement we will aim to resolve the matter within 21 calendar days. For all other matters, within 30 calendar days. These timeframes may be longer if the matter is more complex or if we are waiting on information from you (or a third party) that is necessary to resolve the matter. We will consult with you if resolving the matter might be delayed.
What if you’re not happy with the outcome?
Harmoney is a member of an independent external, dispute resolution scheme, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). If you are not happy with our proposed resolution (or it takes longer than the maximum time frames stated above) you can lodge a complaint with AFCA.
AFCA can be contacted in the following ways:
1800 931 678
Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001